My Classy Clutch with a Bit of Bling was featured on another blog today. This blog belongs to a team I belong to on Etsy called Carried Away Bags. It is a really neat blog!
I have had the honor of making a few quilts recently for a good friend of mine. One of the quilts she asked me to make was actually a quilt top that I finished for her. She sent it with a couple from our church who were going to India to visit the orphanage they used to work with. It was a very special quilt, and when I get the pictures, I will be sure to post them. ( I completely forgot to take a picture of the quilt before I sent it away... bad me!)
The other quilt I just finished for my friend was made by her request to match the other quilt she purchased from me last month. This quilt was made by using a technique I learned at the International quilt show I attended back in September. I was so intrigued by how cool the technique was, I managed to reproduce it from memory. Can you say "strip piecing"?? I loved this strip piecing technique! And for all you non-quilters, do not worry... strip piecing is totally G-Rated.
I just figured out how to make these wonderful clutches with metal framed clasps, and I am loving them! I sold my first batch of them so quickly that I wasn't able to post them. I spent time this weekend making more...
It took some researching to learn how to use clasp frames, and quite a bit of searching for the proper glue to use. The Gutterman glue I finally found is only made in Germany, and I there is only one dealer in the US that I have found so far that sells it! All that searching is paying off, and I am loving these little clutches!
I was re-arranging my sewing room and discovered that I had many more quilts than I thought. Some are old some are new... I figure I really don't NEED all these quilts. So they are all for sale. Not to worry, I have plenty of other quilts around the house that I am keeping.... just need to pair down a bit.
I decided to post a few items to sell on Etsy. I made them a number of years ago, and I figure one can only have so many blankets and quilts... I really love this one made from recycled wool... super cozy and nice.
This one is actually brand new, but the pattern was from a class I took a few years back. The pattern is called "With This Ring" and it is a variation of the Wedding Ring patterns. I posted this on Etsy today as well.
I have a couple more quilts to add for the list, but I need to re-take the pictures. I just had an idea for taking better pictures....
A very good friend of mine from Colorado just started a wonderful little business called D'lil D'va making headbands for little girls. I am loving these headbands and wishing I had a little head to put them on. I know there are many readers out there who would love one of these little headbands and so I want to give one away to a deserving reader.
Comment on this post and tell me what you like about my friends creative headbands, and I will enter you into a drawing for a free headband. I will also be conducting the same give-away on our family blog: Feel free to enter a comment on both blogs!
Check out D'lil D'va:!/pages/Dlil-Dva/114682238587766?ref=mf
My husband I went to the fabric store the other day to buy some fabric to re-cover our dog's bed. We chose some Duck Cloth for the job. After getting the fabric home we decided not to re-cover the dog bed. I was about to return the fabric when I had the thought of using it for a messenger bag.... what do you think?
Do you ever have times in your life where you look back and not only do you wonder where the time went, but also wonder what in the world happened during that time to allow one aspect of your life to be completely forgotten by the wayside? I feel that way right now as I look back and realize that the last time I updated this blog was back in April, and the last time I turned my sewing machine on was about six weeks ago. And what happened to the sewing room during the past couple of months anyway? How is it that we collect so much stuff in such a short period of time? Where does it all come from anyway? We have been toying with the idea of having a garage sale with our neighbors. A couple months ago I didn't think we had quite enough to justify devoting an entire day to selling a bunch of stuff to only make a few bucks. But as we slowly clean out drawers and closets and spare bedrooms I realize we have more than I thought. A garage sale just might be in order.
As far as my personal creativity goes... well I am not sure about that? I guess it (my personal creativity) has been on a hiatus the past few months. I cannot tell you why it took a few months leave, but I hope it had a good vacation becuase it is time to kick it into gear! Today I got to thinking that something was missing, and it hit me like a ton of bricks... my creative side has definitely been void lately, and it needs to come back!
My sewing business has taken back seat to other things too long. I need to get back behind the needle, and get to work. A good friend reminded me just yesterday that I should take advantage of the time I have now to do the things that I will wish I could do more of when I am busy with motherhood in the future... best advice ever! Also I got to thinking... I have this God-given talent that is not being used... shame on me for letting it go to the wayside.
So tonight as I write this, I make a promise to myself to spend at least 5 hours a week in the sewing room. It can be more than that (I hope it is), but I have to start small. So here I go... off to baste that baby quilt that needs to be finisihed and put online....
And you friends of mine reading this (if you are all still reading this?) who have access to my email... please keep me accountable to this promise I made to myself. I need it!
I had a few special orders this week, and two of them were from my mother-in-law who needed diaper bags and changing pads for baby showers. I have never made a changing pad before, but I figured I could give it a try. I used Nylon for the changing side, and fabric for the outside. I put cotton batting on the inside for a bit of cushion. It turned out pretty cute, and fits into the diaper bag nicely.
I was also inspired to change my curtains in my living/dining room. I couldn't justify spending a ton of cash on store bought curtains or even fabric to make my own, so I decided to improvise. I like the fabric of my old curtains, I just didn't like the style anymore. It occurred to me that I could repurpose the old curtains. After a few cuts, and some simple sewing, I came up with this:
OLD curtains (this is the only picture I had of them as I forgot to take a pic before I took them down..disregard our friends in the picture. :) )
New Curtains:
And here is one of the diaper bags/ changing pads (again, forgot to take a picture of the other one before I mailed it off...)
I actually sold my Winnie the Pooh quilt today.. I guess I was a bit surprised, and I am a little sad to see it go. It is going to Victoria British Columbia.... one of my Favorite places... so I am sure it will be going to a good Canadian home!
I recently finished and posted these nursing blankets on Etsy. Both are made with Amy Butler prints... her prints are so wonderful for all kinds of projects, and I especially liked how they worked in these nursing blankets.
I was recently notified that one my my baby blankets had been featured in a blog. The blog is called Handmade For Life, and it is comprised of a group of artists that support life. The post topic was promoting team member's baby items. Check it out:
I made this little pink quilt for our dear friends who are expecting their baby girl in just a couple of weeks. They were actually the inspiration for getting some pink fabric to make these pinkly quilts. I love how they turned out! Glad you like M's quilt A!
I just finished this sweet little quilt. I love the colors and the pattern worked really well with the fabrics. I just put it on my Etsy site for sale. I will be posting another pinks quilt here soon, so stay tuned!
I finished up the binding last night on the green and cream snowball quilt. I am amazed at how quickly I can get a binding done with the Olympics on. With one eye glued to the women's half pipe, and the other on my sewing, I was able to complete it in about an hour and a half. I love how it turned out, and when Scott held it up for my to see from a distance, I knew I should keep it. Isn't it funny how just a bit of quilting and a binding can change the entire look and feel of a quilt:? I guess that is the entire point of quilting... ah ha!
On a side note... I love that pieceing a backing together is now acceptable and some would say the "in" thing to do. I think it makes perfect sense to take larger pieces and put them together. No sense in spending more money to purchase enough fabric for the backing.
I am SO over the top excited (well that might be exaggerating a little bit), about the snowball quilt. I decided to finish that one next, and last night I got my "quilt sandwich" (that is quilt top, batting, and backing layered), together. And, much to my surprise, I got all the quilting done last night as well!! I LOVE how it has turned out, and I was considering selling it, but I am not sure I can part with it now... we will see. No pictures right now, I want to leave you in suspense for a little while longer. I will post pictures when I get it bound.
I have decided to get some of those lingering projects off the to do list. It is the perfect time to finish as the Olympics are on, and I can watch as I sew. Last night I was able to finish the binding on this little quilt that I had made from scraps last summer. I gave it to Scott for Valentines day. Even though it is a bit busy for my taste, it is bright and happy and just a fun little quilt.
I just finished a nursing blanket (or "booby blocker" as we like to call them), for a special order. I love the Amy Butler fabric that my friend chose, and I plan on making more nursing blankets for my Etsy site very soon... so stay tuned.
I also have added some Key Fobs to my repertoire, and I love them...
Oh, I forgot... because I asked for name ideas, I should probably tell you what I named it...
It is best on Etsy to have as descriptive names as possible. So I called it "heat resistant Curling Iron Pouch" But I really liked the name suggestions... especially Adams suggestion of "Hot pockets" Although, yes we would probably have some law suit if I used that name.
I just finished this computer bag as a special order for a friend. I love the brown and black fabric... cause then you can wear either brown or black.... This bag also has a zipper across the top, which I also really like.