Friday, February 19, 2010

And Here it is...

I finished up the binding last night on the green and cream snowball quilt.  I am amazed at how quickly I can get a binding done with the Olympics on.  With one eye glued to the women's half pipe, and the other on my sewing, I was able to complete it in about an hour and a half.  I love how it turned out, and when Scott held it up for my to see from a distance, I knew I should keep it.  Isn't it funny how just a bit of quilting and a binding can change the entire look and feel of a quilt:?  I guess that is the entire point of quilting...  ah ha!
On a side note... I love that pieceing a backing together is now acceptable and some would say the "in" thing to do.  I think it makes perfect sense to take larger pieces and put them together.  No sense in spending more money to purchase enough fabric for the backing.


  1. Beautiful! I feel inspired to make a quilt. That is my problem, too much inspiration, not enough hours in the day:)

  2. Beautiful...can't hardly wait to see it "in person."

  3. Jen, it turned out beautiful! You did such an amazing job. Such an amazing gift you have been blessed with!

  4. Beautiful! Isn't it amazing what a pile of scraps can do.
