Saturday, September 25, 2010

This Winner is.....

Congratulations Chris!  You won the D'lil D'va Drawing!!  Thank you everyone for participating in the drawing.  Please visit my friends site any time!!/pages/Dlil-Dva/114682238587766

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Many Quilts Does One Girl Need Anyway?

I was re-arranging my sewing room and discovered that I had many more quilts than I thought.  Some are old some are new... I figure I really don't NEED all these quilts. So they are all for sale.  Not to worry, I have plenty of other quilts around the house that I am keeping.... just need to pair down a bit.

Quilts New and Old

I decided to post a few items to sell on Etsy.  I made them a number of years ago, and I figure one can only have so many blankets and quilts...  I really love this one made from recycled wool... super cozy and nice. 

This one is actually brand new, but the pattern was from a class I took a few years back.  The pattern is called "With This Ring" and it is a variation of the Wedding Ring patterns.  I posted this on Etsy today as well.
I have a couple more quilts to add for the list, but I need to re-take the pictures.  I just had an idea for taking better pictures....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A very good friend of mine from Colorado just started a wonderful little business called D'lil D'va  making headbands for little girls.  I am loving these headbands and wishing I had a little head to put them on.  I know there are many readers out there who would love one of these little headbands and so I want to give one away to a deserving reader.
Comment on this post and tell me what you like about my friends creative headbands, and I will enter you into a drawing for a free headband.  I will also be conducting the same give-away on our family blog:  Feel free to enter a comment on both blogs!
Check out D'lil D'va:!/pages/Dlil-Dva/114682238587766?ref=mf

Monday, September 6, 2010

Duck Cloth

My husband I went to the fabric store the other day to buy some fabric to re-cover our dog's bed.  We chose some Duck Cloth for the job.  After getting the fabric home we decided not to re-cover the dog bed.  I was about to return the fabric when I had the thought of using it for a messenger bag.... what do you think?