Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Room is a Disaster!

Do you ever have times in your life where you look back and not only do you wonder where the time went, but also wonder what in the world happened during that time to allow one aspect of your life to be completely forgotten by the wayside?  I feel that way right now as I look back and realize that the last time I updated this blog was back in April, and the last time I turned my sewing machine on was about six weeks ago.  And what happened to the sewing room during the past couple of months anyway?  How is it that we collect so much stuff in such a short period of time?  Where does it all come from anyway?   We have been toying with the idea of having a garage sale with our neighbors.  A couple months ago I didn't think we had quite enough to justify devoting an entire day to selling a bunch of stuff to only make a few bucks.  But as we slowly clean out drawers and closets and spare bedrooms I realize we have more than I thought.  A garage sale just might be in order.
As far as my personal creativity goes... well I am not sure about that?  I guess it (my personal creativity) has been on a hiatus the past few months.  I cannot tell you why it took a few months leave, but I hope it had a good vacation becuase it is time to kick it into gear!  Today I got to thinking that something was missing, and it hit me like a ton of bricks... my creative side has definitely been void lately, and it needs to come back!
My sewing business has taken back seat to other things too long.  I need to get back behind the needle, and get to work.  A good friend reminded me just yesterday that I should take advantage of the time I have now to do the things that I will wish I could do more of when I am busy with motherhood in the future... best advice ever!  Also I got to thinking... I have this God-given talent that is not being used... shame on me for letting it go to the wayside.
So tonight as I write this, I make a promise to myself to spend at least 5 hours a week in the sewing room.  It can be more than that (I hope it is), but I have to start small.  So here I go... off to baste that baby quilt that needs to be finisihed and put online....
And you friends of mine reading this (if you are all still reading this?) who have access to my email... please keep me accountable to this promise I made to myself.  I need it!  

1 comment:

  1. you got it, jen (accountability, that is.) I need a sew day soon. Well, September.
