Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A very good friend of mine from Colorado just started a wonderful little business called D'lil D'va  making headbands for little girls.  I am loving these headbands and wishing I had a little head to put them on.  I know there are many readers out there who would love one of these little headbands and so I want to give one away to a deserving reader.
Comment on this post and tell me what you like about my friends creative headbands, and I will enter you into a drawing for a free headband.  I will also be conducting the same give-away on our family blog: ScottandJenPersicke.blogspot.com.  Feel free to enter a comment on both blogs!
Check out D'lil D'va:


  1. So cute!! I think Benjamin would be fabulous in one of these!! I love the big flowers and the girlie-ness of the bows!

  2. The chocolate polka dot bow hat would be perfect for a Flowers girl, don't you think???

  3. Oooo...add my name to the hat. I am learning to love baby girl hair accessories.
